Pegs Vintage Shop

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Stories in Stone

Preserving History One Gravestone At A Time

cut from 1890sCemeteries are the "Great American Novel" and every gravestone represents a chapter in that novel. This site is our effort in writing a portion of that novel by documenting cemeteries and preserving the stories of those individuals buried in them.
Of the six counties (Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Franklin, Clinton, and Essex) that comprise the "North Country" of New York, we focus on Jefferson and Lewis Counties. Additionally as we travel the migration routes into Jefferson County, we also visit cemeteries along the route that brought pioneers into the area. Consequently you will also find information on several cemeteries in Oswego County. Our goal is to help preserve the rich history of this portion of the North Country and to assist you in your family research.

Gravestone Photographs

We focus our efforts on documenting cemeteries by photographing every monument, headstone, footstone, and stone fragment in each of the cemeteries that we visit. This provides not only a "snap shot in time" of what the cemetery looks like, but also enables us to to help you in documenting your family history. Towards that end, we will provide any gravestone photo that we have in our collection free of any charge. If you find our site and the photos we provide helpful in your research, please consider making a donation to a not-for-profit organization such as a historical society, cemetery association, museum, or similar organization. These organizations are at the forefront of preserving the history of our country and have provided an invaluable amount of support in our efforts of documenting cemeteries and telling the stories of those individuals buried in them.

The Graves of Veterans

Portion of Kissell Monument
So many have sacrificed so much in the defense of our great county. One aspect of our documenting cemeteries is to identify as many graves of veterans as possible. While organizations such as the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Daughters of the War of 1812, various Civil War organizations, the American Legion, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) have contributed enormously to the identification, preservation, and honoring of the graves of veterans, there are too many veterans whose graves have not been documented or honored. In order to pay respect to those who gave so much ensuring our way of life, we dedicate a significant portion of our research effort on identifying the graves of all veterans. In order to accomplish the identification of veterans graves, we need your help. It's not always possible to determine if an individual was a veteran based on gravestones alone and historical records are woefully incomplete. If you know of a veteran buried in either Jefferson or Lewis County that we don't have listed, please let us know through the Contact page, so we can get them properly annotated.

Historical Collections and Studies

As part of our effort to document cemeteries and capture the stories of the individuals interred in them, we make extensive use of historical records. The census, baptisms, deaths, marriages, family histories, tax rolls, directories, and studies are aides we use to better understand each of the stories represented by gravestones. Information in each of the collections is under continuous review to catch errors and refine information as we develop better methods of interpreting and presenting the data. Also you may want to return periodically as we are always on the search for new sources of information. The News page provides a list of projects underway as well as those that have been recently completed.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Baby Sisters' Graves Found Just Before Headstone Dissolves

strange but true genealogy story - Villamena Violet Doxey and Violet Annie Doxey both lived only a few months. The locations of their graves were unknown until about 100 years after their deaths when genealogist Gertrude Doxey tracked them down. But that's not the strange part. This is strange but true GENEALOGY.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Google Analytics Blog: Monetize Your Top Exit Pages

Google Analytics Blog: Monetize Your Top Exit Pages


This is genetic Genealogy at its best .  This is the first DNA Data base that is used to track Ancestor's. This DNA testing is to find Ancient and Living relatives.  Not only are we searching records we are now able to go further.  Genealogy Find research is only part of it , now we can have a mouth swab and just like that you can be tested to find your roots .  The Ancestry .co.UK and .com Genealogy website offers Tests for those people who are serious to find their Ancestors. Not everyone wants to go that mile , but for allot it is a Dream.  For DNA to come this far this is Amazing ! .  If you are one of those people who have family history in the UK this would be it .  Check out this Website.....

Friday, January 14, 2011


I guess being told your related to someone that you didn't know you are  related to is kind of cool . But being told your related to George Bush would be depressing. I mean Brad Pitt is one thing but BUSH !

Monday, January 10, 2011


I came across a website that I think would be useful to all genealogy 

searchers . This gives you Tips to start your journey to your family tree.

There are many sources available today on the Internet . Try to use many

different websites for your databases. Getting your family members involved 

in it share the experience's and have allot of fun doing it.

                            HAPPY SEARCHING!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


FREE searching site for finding  Immigrant ship passengers  prior to 1865 . The goverment had no requierments for immigrants to be on a list of passengers. I guess that makes things even harder for us to find the information. So we need Data Base Sites that will direct us to some kind of  documentation that will help. I think this site could be a good start for some . I seem to be getting results from searching the Sinclair surname ,hopefully you will to . GOOD LUCK!!     Peggy

Sunday, January 2, 2011

ST Clair Research Project

More and more people are choosing to test their DNA with hopes of finding a match with people alive today, but also so they can truly see who their Ancient ancestors were. now with the discovery and information you can get  from DNA testing it is even better and more refined. This is a site to more information on DNA which I think is exciting , and could be very helpful to people who are interested. 
                                          PEGGY SINCLAIR